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更新时间:2022/8/1 浏览量: 423



On June 28, the European Commission issued a positive final ruling on the third sunset review of anti-dumping on binders originating in China, and the measure also applies to binders imported via Vietnam and Laos。Decided to continue to maintain the anti-dumping measures against the products involved, imposing 51 on the World Wide Stationery Mfg in Hong Kong, China.2%的反倾销税,对中国其他出口商/生产商征收78.8%的反倾销税。The EU CN code of the products involved is ex83051000 (TARIC code is 8305100011, 8305100013, 8305100019, etc.)。The dumping investigation period in this case is from January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020, and the damage analysis period is from January 1, 2017 to the end of the dumping investigation period。


6月24日,印度商工部贸易救济总局发布公告,The first anti-dumping sunset review of 80:20 toluene diisocyanate originating in or imported from China, Japan and the Republic of Korea was final,建议继续对上述国家的涉案产品实施为期5年反倾销措施,Details of taxation are shown in the attached Table (Final Verdict of India's Sunset Review of Anti-dumping against Chinese-related toluene diisocyanate)。本案涉及印度海关编码29291020项下的产品。


6月30日,美国国际贸易委员会发布公告称,Final decision of Part 337 on certain portable battery starters and their components (Investigation code: 337-TA-1256) : No review of final preliminary decision on April 29, 2022,That is to confirm the absence of defendant Quingyou Electronic Commerce Co., Zhejiang, China. Ltd. of Hangzhou infringes US registered trademark No. 4811656, 4811749, absent defendant Mediatek Tong Technology Co., Guangdong, Shenzhen, China. Ltd.Infringement of US registered trademark No. 4811749;Through partial review, it is confirmed that because the applicant does not meet the scientific and technological status of the domestic industry, there is no infringement of registered patent No. 10604024 in this case。And seek comments on relief measures, public interest and security deposits, with written comments to be submitted no later than July 14, 2022。


6月30日,美国国际贸易委员会发布公告称,Final ruling of Part 337 on specific TVS, remote controls and their components (investigation code: 337-TA-1263) : Preliminary ruling of infringement made by the Administrative Judge on June 28, 2022,并对救济措施提出建议,To Universal Electronics Inc. Scottsdale AZ, China Guangxi Junsheng Technology (Qinzhou) Co., LTD., China Jiangsu Junsheng Technology (Yangzhou) Co., LTD., China Hong Kong C.G. Development Ltd.等企业发布有限排除令和禁止令。


On June 30, the United States International Trade Commission issued a notice saying that certain electronic devices and their components with wireless communication functions (investigation code: 337-TA-1284) made Part 337 final ruling: Preliminary ruling made by the Administrative Judge in this case on June 13, 2022 (No.22) No review, that is, termination of listed defendants TCL Electronics Holdings Limited, Hong Kong, China, and TCT Mobile (US) Inc., based on the settlement., Irvine, CA, TTE Technology, Inc.Corona, CA survey;The preliminary ruling of the Administrative Judge on 13 June (No.23) No review, that is, termination of the lawsuit against listed defendant BLU Products, Inc., based on the settlement.Doral, FL, and discontinued the investigation because the company was the last defendant。Lenovo Group in Beijing, China; TCL Electronics Holdings Limited in Hong Kong, China; and Bubugao Electronics in Guangdong, China are listed as defendants。


6月30日,The Brazilian Foreign Trade Secretariat published in the Federal Official Gazette No. 29, 2022,由于国内行业报告的数据缺乏可靠性,Therefore, it was decided to terminate the anti-dumping sunset review investigation on table glassware originating in China, Indonesia and Argentina,停止征收反倾销税。涉案产品的南共市税号为7013.49.00、7013.28.00和7013.37.00。本公告自发布之日起生效。巴方联系方式:objvidromesa.rev@economia.gov.br。


6月30日,The Commission on Dumping, Subsidies and Non-Tariff Barriers to Trade, Peru's National Competition and Intellectual Property Protection Agency said in a notice published in the official daily El Peruvian,应秘鲁国内生产商的申请,对原产于中国大陆的拉链及其配件启动反规避调查,审查原产于中国大陆的涉案产品是否通过马来西亚和中国台湾地区出口到秘鲁,To circumvent the anti-dumping measures established by Announcement No. 293-2021/CDB-INDECOPI。本案调查期为2017年6月~2022年4月。涉案产品的秘鲁税号为9607.11.00.00、9607.19.00.00和9607.20.00.00。公告自发布于官方公报之日起生效。Interested parties should contact the website (http://www) within six months of the announcement.indecopi.gob.pe/en/mesadepartes) or submit case comments and evidence materials by mail。根据相关规定,上述期限可延长三个月。邮寄地址:Comisión de Dumping, Subsidios y Eliminacion de Barreras Comerciales No Arancelarias-Indecopi, Calle De La Prosa N 104, San Borja, Lima 41, Perú。


6月30日,欧盟委员会发布公告称,In response to the applications submitted by the European Man-made Fibres Association on 1 April and 16 May 2022 respectively,Initiate an interim review investigation of the anti-dumping measures applied to polyester high-strength yarn originating in China,At the same time, Zhejiang Hailide New Materials Company, which obtained zero tax rate in the original trial, launched an anti-dumping investigation again。The EU CN code of the product in question is 54022000 (TARIC code is 5402200010).。The investigation period of this case is from January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021, and the damage investigation period is from January 1, 2018 to the end of the dumping investigation period。


On June 30, the European Commission announced that in response to an application submitted by EU enterprises on March 31, 2022, it launched a second anti-dumping and countervailing sunset review investigation into coated paper originating in China。The EU CN code of the products involved is ex 48101300, ex 48101400, ex 48101900, etc. (EU TARIC code is 4810130020, 4810140020, 4810190020, etc.)。The dumping investigation period in this case is from January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021, and the injury investigation period is from January 1, 2018 to the end of the dumping investigation period。


Recently, according to the official website of the Russian Veterinary Bureau after Baigarsk local branch, because the veterinary health certificate attached to the product does not use the Russian book, it violates the "Eurasian Economic Union Border Unified Veterinary Supervision Regulations"3.According to the relevant provisions of Article 8, the Russian authorities temporarily detained 50 tons of edible beef gelatin exported from China until the relevant parties provided qualified official documents before entering Russia。


On June 27, according to the official website of the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, because the product was detected to exceed the standard, the Japanese Kawasaki Quarantine Office notified that the semi-fermented tea exported from Taiwan of China (four seasons winter and spring slices) was unqualified。


On June 29, according to the EU Rapid Warning System for food and Feed (RASFF) news, because the product is an unauthorized new food, Belgium notified that the Chinese export of Artemisia annua tea agent is unqualified。通报类型为注意信息通报,警报编号2022.3787。


On June 29, according to the EU Rapid Warning System for food and feed (RASFF) news, Germany notified that the paper straws exported from China were unqualified due to the detection of fluorescent whitening agents in the products。通报类型为后续信息通报,警报编号2022.3786。


On June 30, according to the official website of the EU Rapid Warning System for non-food products (RAPEX), Luxembourg notified that the outdoor lighting chain exported by China (model: dchddz-40led-warm) was unqualified。The product DIBP, SCCP concentration is too high, may harm the user's health, harmful to the environment, does not meet the EU "Restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment Directive" (RoHS 2 Directive) and the Persistent Organic Pollutants Regulation (POP Regulation) requirements。警报编号A12/00914/22。


On June 30, according to the official website of the European Union's Rapid Warning System for non-food products (RAPEX), Norway notified that the Nedis insecticide exported from China (model: INKI112CBK4) was unqualified。The lead content in the solder of this product is too high and harmful to the environment and does not meet the requirements of the EU Directive on the Restriction of the Use of Certain Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment (RoHS 2 Directive)。警报编号A11/00078/22。


On June 30, according to the EU Rapid Warning System for food and Feed (RASFF) news, Greece notified that coffee cups exported from China were unqualified due to the unauthorized use of bamboo products。通报类型为拒绝入境通报,警报编号2022.23800。


Recently, according to the official website of the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, because the product tested positive for developable microorganisms, the Tokyo Quarantine Office in Japan notified that the grain conditioning products exported from China were unqualified。


On June 30, according to the official website of the EU Rapid Warning System for non-food products (RAPEX), Hungary notified that the Steba air humidifier exported from China (model: LB9, SPS-728) was unqualified。The non-antibacterial tank of this product cannot be cleaned, and there is no water injection cleaning reminder, which may breed mold and cause allergic reactions in users, which does not meet the requirements of the EU low Pressure Directive and the European standard EN 60335。警报编号A12/00940/22。


On June 30, according to the official website of the European Union's non-food Rapid Warning System (RAPEX), Germany notified that the motorcycle helmets exported from China (model: LB9, SPS-728) were unqualified。The impact resistance of the product is insufficient, which may lead to head injury in the event of a collision, and does not meet the requirements of the EU ECE 22-05 regulation。警报编号A12/00939/22。


On July 1, according to the EU Rapid Warning System for food and feed (RASFF) news, due to the unauthorized use of bamboo fiber products, Malta notified that Chinese exports of melamine board unqualified。通报类型为拒绝入境通报,警报编号2022.3829。


Recently, according to the official website of the Korean Food and Drug Administration, due to the total number of bacterial colonies detected in the product exceeded the standard, the South Korean Jingin Department (Pyeongtaek) notified that the frozen garlic paste exported from China was unqualified。在韩国,此类产品中菌落含量标准为n=5、c=2、m=100000、M=500000。


Recently, according to the official website of the Korean Food and Drug Administration, due to the product detection of fluorescent whitening agent exceeded the standard, the South Korean Jingin Department notified that the cake plug-in exported from China was unqualified。在韩国,此类产品中不得检出荧光增白剂。


关于株式会社引能仕材料继承 JSR 株式会社在丁腈橡胶


On June 30, the Trade Remedy Bureau of the Ministry of Commerce of China issued Announcement No. 18 of 2022, in response to the name change application submitted by the Japanese company Co., Ltd. on May 11, that is, the request for succession JSR The rights and obligations of the Company in applying anti-dumping measures against imports of nitrile butadiene rubber originating in Korea and Japan shall be inheritedThe anti-dumping tax rate applied by JSR Co., LTD., the Ministry of Commerce conducted an investigation and made a decision on the succession tax rate: (1) The succession of materials by the company JSR 株式会社在进口丁腈橡胶反倾销措施中所适用的16.0%的反倾销税率及其他权利义务。(2) Nitrile butadiene rubber exported to China under the name of JSR Co., LTD., is subject to anti-dumping measures for imported nitrile butadiene rubber其他日本公司的反倾销税率,即56.4%。本公告自2022年7月1日起执行。


贸促20221145号预警信息尼日利亚 紧急提醒在尼日尔州、卡杜纳州中资企业和人员严防绑架

Recently, the Chinese Embassy in Nigeria issued a reminder that the current security situation in Nigeria continues to be complex and grave。There are signs that kidnapping criminal gangs in the border areas of Niger State and Kaduna State are more frequent than before, and may migrate to other areas of the two states to commit crimes, where Chinese citizens and Chinese-funded institutions are at a sharp increase in the risk of armed attacks, kidnapping and other targets。

Remind Chinese enterprises and personnel in Nepal, especially in the above areas, to firmly abandon the concept of paralysis and carelessnessThe idea of "nothing to do with me", pay close attention to the local security situation, strengthen civil air defense, physical defense, and technical defense measures with the highest standards, "non-necessary, do not go out", and resolutely put an end to outdoor high-risk operations。In case of emergency, please call 911 and contact the Chinese Embassy in Nigeria (+234-(0)8065842688)。

贸促20221146号预警信息厄瓜多尔 提醒中国公民近期谨慎前往厄瓜多尔

Recently, the Chinese Embassy in Ecuador issued a reminder that the recent anti-government demonstrations in Ecuador have caused many casualties and seriously endangered social order, and the local security situation has further deteriorated。

Chinese citizens are reminded to be cautious about going to Ecuador in the near future, and local personnel and institutions have closely followed the development of the situation, maintained high vigilance, strengthened security precautions and emergency preparedness, and ensured personal and property safety。如遇紧急情况,请及时报警(911) and contact the Chinese Embassy in Ecuador (+593993977225)。In view of the special circumstances in the relevant regions, if Chinese citizens still insist on going there after the issuance of the warning, it may lead to higher security risks for the parties concerned and may affect the effectiveness of their assistance。本提醒有效期至2022年9月30日。

贸促20221147号预警信息阿根廷 提醒中国公民通过合法渠道汇款

Recently, a Chinese citizen reported to the Chinese Embassy in Argentina that he sent money from Argentina to China through a remittance intermediary, and the intermediary lost contact after receiving the money, resulting in economic losses for the remitter.Some individuals also received remittances from their domestic accounts, but they were frozen by the Chinese public security organs in accordance with the law。

We remind Chinese citizens in Afghanistan to further enhance their awareness of the law, abide by the laws and regulations of the host country, declare taxes and pay taxes in accordance with the law, exchange currency and send money to China through banks and other formal channels。切勿贪图便利或"High exchange rates", remittances through underground banks or personal channels, resulting in fraud and loss of property。If you have already remitted money and lost contact with the remittance agent, you should immediately report to the Argentine police or the Chinese public security organ, and provide remittance vouchers, previous remittance records and other details, as well as the source of funds and other supporting materials。If the domestic collection account is frozen according to law, the person or the entrusted agent can explain the situation to the public security organ and cooperate with the investigation。


贸促20221148号预警信息The Customs Tariff Commission of The State Council of China issued the announcement on the eighth list of excluded goods subject to US tariffs for extension

On June 28, the Customs Tariff Commission of The State Council issued an announcement on the eighth List of excluded extensions for US and Canadian tariff goods (Announcement of the Tax Commission (2022) No. 7)。According to the Announcement of the Customs Tariff Commission of The State Council on the Sixth Exclusion Extension List of Goods subject to Additional Tariffs in the United States (Announcement of the Tax Commission (2021) No. 9), the sixth exclusion extension list of goods subject to additional tariffs in the United States will expire on June 30, 2022。国务院关税税则委员会按程序决定,对相关商品延长排除期限。From July 1, 2022 to February 15, 2023, the goods listed in the Annex will continue to be exempted from the tariffs imposed by China in response to the US Section 301 measures。请扫码查看公告原文和附件:



近日,俄罗斯总统普京签署了有关商品平行进口合法化的法案。The bill, proposed by the Russian government, aims to empower the government to identify goods to which exclusive rights protection provisions do not apply, and to exempt Russian companies from possible civil, administrative and criminal liability for importing goods without the permission of the rights holder。


On June 29, the final revised data released by the US Department of Commerce showed that the real gross domestic product of the United States fell at an annualized rate of 1.6%,较此前公布的修正数据下调了0.1个百分点。The Commerce Department typically makes three estimates of quarterly economic data based on ever-improving information。今年第二季度经济数据首次预估值将于7月28日公布。


近日,瑞士联邦统计局数据显示,The Swiss Federal government will spend CHF2.2 billion ($2.3 billion) on research and development in 2021, 4. 4 billion less than in 2019.13亿瑞郎,降幅为16%。A year ago, Brussels downgraded Switzerland's participation in the Horizon Europe project to an unaffiliated third country to limit its access to funding and scientific projects。瑞士遭受排斥对其科学项目经费产生了相当大的影响。

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